mssg from president

As we enter a new decade after a period of sustained growth, we reflect on the development of Indonesia as a tourism destination and how fast our industry changes, and how we can refine and redefine our role as one of the country’s leading destination management companies.

Our theme for the year, as we bring you the 2020 edition of the Pacto Villas and Resorts Collection, is both to celebrate the diversity of Indonesia and to share that diversity with the wider travel market in new and exciting ways.

For many years, one of our core strengths has been our network of local branches, with offices in strategic locations to give us an unrivaled reach and on-the-ground support throughout Indonesia.

In 2020, we will be making our branches even stronger and improving our regional capacity. We will focus on creating local product knowledge centers and developing new destinations to serve the changing international market.

We understand that experience is valuable to today’s travelers. The ability to tap into the diversity of Indonesia on a wider scale will give us a competitive advantage as we continue our transformation from a traditional company to a more flexible and modern organization.

We also embrace new communication technologies that make it easier for us to stay in touch with our customers, clients, and partners around the clock and around the world.

In 2020 there will be new developments in our API and XML feed technologies to ensure that any updates to our products are distributed to our network in real time, keeping all partners in sync as we transition to a fully paperless future.

Aligned with these new developments, our commitment to sustainable development and investing in the future remains strong, and we continue to rely on the solid support of our most valuable resource, our in-office staff and guides in the field.

As we develop new destinations and share our local expertise, we look forward to showing the world the many jewels of Indonesia—the breathtaking views, the rich culture, and the unique experiences that make this country so attractive to visit.