Pacto and Community

PACTO DMC: Find us in Facebook and Instagram!

By February 26, 2021 No Comments

As we remark this important day in our journey, we are truly excited to share that we are in Facebook and Instagram!

It is a great pleasure to invite you to connect with our online community and keep posted of our exclusive updates.

Please take this beautiful moment to visit our pages:

PACTO DMC for Facebook Fanpage and @pactodmc for Instagram

We highly appreciate every ‘Like’ and ‘Follow’ and all your fantastic comments and feedback.

Please accept our warm welcome on board for our partners, colleagues, friends and family who have joined in, be the first to know about Bali and other favourite destinations of Indonesia and enjoy the access to our exclusive deals and offers.

We look forward to stay connected with you and please feel free to share our content with your friends and family, and we will also be happy to response your questions.

Pacto Destination Management
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